Tuesday, November 8, 2016

LET Tips: Properties of Assessment Methods

1. This refers to the instrument’s ability to measure what it purports to measure
A. Validity
B. Practicality
C. Efficiency
D. Reliability

2. Teacher F correlated the results of her developed instrument with a known valid test. With this, she made sure that her instrument has,
A. Content Validity
B. Criterion Validity
C. Construct Validity
D. Face Validity

3. Teacher X wants to check if the instrument she developed is consistent among various test-takers across different time. What property of an assessment method does she have to ensure?
A. Validity
B. Practicality
C. Efficiency
D. Reliability

4. Which of the following scenario violates ethics in assessment?
A. Requiring students to answer checklist of their sexual fantasies
B. Asking pupils sensitive questions without parental consent
C. Testing mental abilities of students using an instrument with unknown validity and reliability
D. All of the above

5. How can teachers apply fairness in assessment?
A. Students should be informed of the learning targets
B. Students should know the assessment method to be used
C. Teachers should avoid stereotyping
D. All of the above

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